
Saturday, September 28, 2013

My Cloth Diaper Journey

Why did I decide to start cloth diapering?

After having my first baby in disposable diapers, I knew that I wanted to go back to what I knew growing up; I wanted to cloth diaper. When we finally got pregnant with our second babe, we weren't in any condition to use cloth diapers as we were living in a hotel with communal laundry that didn't even clean our clothes properly. So, disappointed, I sucked it up and put our daughter in disposable diapers. I made myself a promise that I would at least attempt to use cloth diapers with our next baby.

When I found out I was pregnant with our 3rd child, my husband was stationed overseas with the Army and I was alone with my other 2 children with the nearest family member an hour away. Not only that, I knew that when my husband came back, we would be moving to another state where we had no family and it was a real possibility he would deploy within 6 months. Despite all that, I made up my mind that I would still cloth diaper our newest baby no matter what and no matter how hard it got.

I started shopping for e-bay cheapies to start a stash that I wouldn't miss if it got too hard if my husband deployed. They quickly became addictive and I couldn't wait for baby to be born so I could use them. Since then, I've developed a pretty decent stash of OS and pockets, with a couple covers and prefolds/fitteds thrown in. I, to this day, have celebrated the choice I made to cloth diaper my baby and won't look back. Just a reminder to show that no matter how hard it may seem, it's a possibility. Our baby is almost 9 months old and still going in his CDs :).

Why did you start cloth diapering and are you still happy you decided to?

Beltane: Ten Tales of Witchcraft Review

Where do I begin with this one? So much to say but without giving away the stories :) I thought when I finished reading Bites: Ten Tales of Vampires, that this wouldn't hold a candle to that. Oh how wrong I was. The short stories in this book were just as enticing and fun to read as the first.

I love the different takes on the idea of what a witch is in each story. I appreciate also that it teaches you and forces you to think about the different kinds of practices in this magic(k)al world. For example, in Debra Dunbar's "Love Magick," the author explains the difference and common misconceptions about wiccans and witches, black and white magic and magic and magick. Makes for an interesting read.

The aforementioned story by Dunbar really pulls you into the story and makes you empathize with the characters. It makes me see some of myself in the main character Blossom, (minus the wicca practices) and made me reminisce on my high school days. Certain periods in the story, I wanted to cry for Blossom and I got happy and couldn't help smiling when she was happy. Who knows? Maybe I'm just a sucker for romance lol.

When the last story ended, I was kind of sad because it seems that as the stories went on, the book got better and better and actually progressed in excitement. This is another great collection of stories and kudos to Rayne Hall for selecting such great pieces of literary work! Makes it hard to choose just one favorite.

Pick up a copy on Amazon here: Beltane: Ten Tales of Witchcraft. You won't regret it!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

UGLee Ergonomic Pen Review

I was so excited to receive these as I often have wrist or finger pains if writing for too long. I find that I also tend to have an extra tight grip on pens that send shooting pains up my hands while writing and sore after.

When I saw these were ergonomic pens, I had to try them. Upon receiving the pens, I passed one on to hubby since he writes a lot at his job. I told him it was on the condition that he tells me what he likes or doesn't like about it. The first day he used it, he says he didn't see a difference. I told him to hold a regular pen and then the UGLee pen and tell me if it feels different. This time, he said there was a noticeable difference as the UGLee pen was more comfortable and the grip felt different. As of today, it is the only pen he'll use since he doesn't come home with hand cramps anymore.

When I opened a pen for myself, the first thing I noticed was how light it was and how cushioned the pen felt, yet gripped so I didn't have to squeeze. This aligns with what is stated on the website "" which states that "The UGLee Pen only weights 11 grams. That is less than 1/2 ounce! Less mass, means less inertia, more comfort." When I started to write, the pen was like a dream. There was no need to press on the pen as the ink flowed oh so smoothly! There is a visibly noticeable difference just in the physical aspect of the ink. When they stated on the website that the pen is "mated with the smoothest ink system known, smoother than any roller ball, gel ink, or fountain ink pen," they were not lying. This amazingly comfortable pen is a must have for anyone with arthritis, carpel tunnel or just writing discomfort.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.